Dance Fire at Constitution State DanceSport Championships 2021!

Dance Fire had a wonderful time at Constitution State Dancesport Championships in Stamford, CT!

 🔥Congratulations to Dance Masters Florin and Natalia on placing 2nd in the Open Professional Championship!

 🔥Jane & Dance Master Florin had an outstanding performance and placed in the Final of the Open Gold Championship & Scholarship and was in the top 3 in her single dances.

🔥Jeanette & Dance Master Florin danced beautifully and were awarded 2nd in the Closed Silver Scholarship and have won each single dance event!

🔥Congratulations to Sofia & Dance Master Andrei on an excellent performance & on winning their Pro-Am Youth Championships!

🔥Congratulations to Benjamin and Anya on placing first in all their Championships and receiving first in all but two single dances where they took the silver medal! Great dancing & energy!

We are extremely proud of our dazzling dancers!

We look forward to starting the preparation for the next competition coming up in a few weeks!